Presidents Report


Argentine Tango on the Edge

New report coming in June, 2019


  • Annual General Meeting Saturday, June 21st: We made an event of it with potluck supper and a house milonga hosted by executive member Lily Wang.
  • June 28th: Our annual Dancing Oceanside and Bonfire was enjoyed by all on 28 June 2014. We not only danced with each other but the whales also graced us with their presence.
  • Tombolo festival: we presented a workshop on Milonga- The happy tango dance at the Arts and Culture Center
  • 5 July : we hosted our much enjoyed evening of Milonga Aire Libre at Quidi Vidi bandstand.
  • 9 August Kayak and Tango: Even with the Thunderous Rain and lightning it was a great paddle followed by Dinner and Dancing at the Riverside Restaurant.
  • 18-21 September 2014: we hosted our first workshop of this Fiscal year. Bobby Thompson of Montreal visited St. John’s for a weekend of Tango bliss. We worked on our tango technique while exploring close embrace and the joys of Milonga. Bobby tantalized our musical senses as he DJ’d the Milonga that Saturday evening.
  • 28 September: we were invited to dance Tango as part of the Latin American Cultural Studies presentation offered by Sylvie Proulx at Memorial University Center.
  • 12 October we had our first General Meeting. There was discussion of our committees and what our future plans for this year would hold.
  • All Hallow’s Eve Practica 30 Oct:We celebrated with spooky tango games, costumes and lots of treats.
  • 7 November 2014: Lily Wang hosted our first lady’s night. Our feet were given a much needed pampering. We enjoyed many tango videos and again treats!!
  • 14 – 16 November: To Conception Harbour we go…our first tango retreat. A number of us headed out to Conception Harbour where we had an intense weekend of reviewing the material from Bobby’s workshop in September. We held a small Milonga that evening and more instruction on Sunday. It was a great weekend for all.
  • 6 December: A Christmas House Milonga hosted by Alison and Don was attended by many of our members as well as welcoming new comers.
  • 24 January 2015: Tango on the Edge celebrated our 8th Birthday as a social Argentine Tango dance club. Dinner and dancing at the Old Mill was very well attended.
  • 16 February was the date of the second GM. Discussions of the upcoming workshop with Bobby Thompson were finalized. Plans were initiated for the NLMoves Tango Workshop to be held during dance week featuring Milonga; the Happy Tango.
  • 8 March 2014 we hosted another Dinner and Dance featuring a two to one mix of music with two tandas of tango/vals/milonga to one mix of ballroom.
  • Our last GM for the year was held on 22 March. The Election of officers for the coming Fiscal year of May 2015- April 2016 was the main agenda. All nominations were accepted and a new Executive team established:
  • President: Christine Greening VP: Lili Wang Treasurer: Don Powell Secretary: Cecilia McGruer At Large: Melanie Hurley
  • Last but not least we ended this Fiscal Year with a Spring Workshop hosting Bobby Thompson from Montreal. He was delighted to return for an intense weekend of tango instruction included tango technique with dramatics, crosses, milonga and adornos.